
your programing 925

(Dis)Connecting bluetooth devices with Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.Rfcomm (WP8.1)

(Dis)Connecting bluetooth devices with Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.Rfcomm (WP8.1) Connecting and disconnecting to Bluetooth devices has been giving various results on Windows Phone/Desktop 8.1. I have been using the Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.Rfcomm namespace and I have tried to connect several devices with different Bluetooth versions/classes. Version 1.2 (Class 1 and 2) Version 2.0 (Class 1 and 2..

your programing 2020.09.25

How to connect Android device to an iOS device over BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy)

How to connect Android device to an iOS device over BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) I'm trying to make an application which uses the new Bluetooth Low Energy API of Android. For this, I started with the BLE sample coming with API level 18. As I read that Android can not act as a Peripheral, I put the Android phone in central mode, scanning for BLE devices around it. For this purpose, I made some test..

your programing 2020.09.25